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Partial payment with different payment methods
Partial payment with different payment methods
Andrei avatar
Written by Andrei
Updated over a week ago

Partial payment is used when an order is to be paid through at least two different payment methods.

In order to access the Split Payment button, first make sure that this payment method has been activated in the Account Settings - Company settings section of the Administration platform. If the method is activated, then it can be selected in POS.

If this condition is met, we can move on to the practical part of issuing the receipt with multiple payment methods.

After marking the products, we reach the first stage of completing the order.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the command options, from the circle with three dots inside. From here you will need to choose Payment Options.

2. A new window will open from where you can choose the Partial Payment method in the upper right.

3. Fill in the amounts related to the payment methods requested by the customer.

In the next example, the total is 67 RON, of which 23 RON is paid with a debit/credit card. Simultaneously with the editing of the Card Credit field, the amount for the remaining cash payment is automatically updated, leaving only 44 RON.

After all the fields are filled in according to the desired payment, we press Save and the receipt is issued from the cash register.

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