Stock management report

Stock management report displays about stock movements (initial stock, entries, outputs)

Andrei avatar
Written by Andrei
Updated over a week ago

The stock management report will generate stock movements within the selected range.

To generate a report go to the point menu - Reports - Stock management report and select the time range for which you want the informations. After you've selected the range press the top right button and choose the type of format you want the report to be generated.

Once the report is generated, you will see that it is divided into 3 types of stock movements (initial stock, inputs and outputs) that are in turn displayed in 8 columns.

The 7 columns are divided as following:

  • column 0 - the number of the stock

  • column 1 - type of modification

  • column 2 - product name

  • column 3 - unit of measure

  • column 4 - modified quantity (information displayed only for inputs and outputs)

  • column 6 - stock quantity (initial stock: the stock quantity that exists at the beginning of the range; inputs: the quantity that remain after the input; output: the quantity that remain after the outputs)

  • column 7 - Acq. value without vat (the initial balance and outputs is calculated using the weighted average cost method, the type of inputs movement displays the value of the merchandise on the invoice)

  1. Initial Stock

  • are displayed the stock that you were having in 18/02/2021 00:00:00

  • at the end of the type of the movement, a total value of the acquisition of all the stocks is displayed (weighted average cost)

  • are displayed all the stocks that you have saved in the company

2. Inputs

  • are displayed all the inputs made in the range 18/02/2021 00:00:00 - 25/02/2021 00:00:00

  • shows the entries made by transferring stocks from another location in the location from where you generated the report

  • at the end of the type of the movement, a total value of the acquisition of all the stocks is displayed (sum with the value from the invoices)

3. Outputs

  • displays all types of outputs (sales, consumer bills, outbound transfers)

  • at the end of the type of the movement, a total value of the acquisition of all the stocks is displayed (weighted average cost)

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