Set API alerts
Andrei avatar
Written by Andrei
Updated over a week ago

In order to ensure the correct take-off of orders from external sources and consequently a decrease of the correct stock (Tazz, Foodpanda, Site, App), we have the option to set up 2 alerts from the Administrator-Alert.

Alerts serve as an E-Mail notification if an order is registered in Ebriza, but the product name, SKU, price, or VAT differs from the product saved in Ebriza.

Note: To set up alerts you'll need the Alerts App which is part of the Premium POS pack. Click here for more details.

1. Select the ALERT application and press +.

2. API order failed - Here we have the option to add one or more E-Mail addresses where the notifications will be sent and the Workspace selected.
(Multiple E-Mail addresses separated by ";").
ALERT is sent if Product PRICE or VAT rate differs from the one saved in EBRIZA.

3. New products saved through API - add one or more E-Mail addresses and select the workspace.

Each time a product will have a different product on another platform will have a different name from Ebriza, you will be notified via E-Mail.

Our recommendation is that the product name in Ebriza is exactly the same as the product name in the integrated websites.

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