Logging in to your Ebriza account
Andrei avatar
Written by Andrei
Updated over a week ago

To be able to log in to Ebriza you need a user account. This account can be created by your company administrator.

For creating your account, your administrator will need your email address or your phone number. After creating the account, an automated email and/or SMS will be sent to you to validate the email and the phone number.

After validating these two, you will be able to log in to your Ebriza account using the company ID, your email address or phone number or your user name and the password you have set up.

  1. Logging in with your user name:

2. Logging in with your email address:

3. Logging in with your phone number:

Profile details/ changing your password

After you logged in to your account, if you want to modify any personal data or your password, you can do that by accessing My Account, by clicking on your user name from up-right.

[tags: login, log in, registration, authentication, change password]

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