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How can I set up permissions for a User?
How can I set up permissions for a User?
Andrei avatar
Written by Andrei
Updated over a week ago

After creating the user a new pop-out will appear, telling you that the new user you created has no permissions and that you need to set them.

If the new user doesn't have any permissions, it won't be able to access the Ebriza platform or POS.

You can also edit the permissions by going to the Account settings and the section Users.

Select the desired user and click on the Permissions Button, from the right side of the screen.

Now you can add or remove certain permissions from the selected user.

This can be done either by selecting the Atributes or my selecting the permissions each.

[tags: how to set user permissions, how do i set users attributes, forbidden, why can't i access my new user account, settings, permissions on location]

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