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The Configuration Tab
Andrei avatar
Written by Andrei
Updated over 7 months ago

The Configuration Tab is the section of the Administration of Ebriza, where you can create your products.

  • Products

- In this section you will be able to add, edit and configure your products, which you will be then able to sell, in your POS.

- Here are some articles that could help you with this section:

  1. POS Display

- You can see how will appear categories and products in POS

- You can edit details of the categories

- This article will give you more information about the POS Display. Just click here.

  • Modifiers

- You can create a packet product, which it will have as a source a product or a category. And you can add options (exemple: daily menu, with more options to choose at maincourse).

- This article will give you more information about the Modifiers section. Click here.

[tags: what is the catalog, where to add products, adding items, detailed, quick product list, display, preferential price, recipes, sub-recipe, subrecipes, product edits, bulk editing, location, availability, general]

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