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Where can I find the Support Chat button in my Ebriza Administrator?
Where can I find the Support Chat button in my Ebriza Administrator?

Chat and Ebriza tutorials at hand

Andrei avatar
Written by Andrei
Updated over a week ago

Looking for the Support Chat Button, in your Ebriza Administrator? Look no more!

1. Log in to your Ebriza account.

2. On the top right side of the starting page, you will see the Support Chat Button icon.

By vlivking on the chat button, a chat window will pop up where you can write us a message or you can search for key words through our articles.

Note: All articles can be found in our Help Centre that can be found by clicking on the name of your user from the top right corner, then click on Tutorials.

[tags: chat, tutorials, help desk, articles, messages, suport, support, where do I find the chat, how do I find the chat]

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