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How to integrate online orders from my Deliverect account with Ebriza

Andrei avatar
Written by Andrei
Updated over 7 months ago

Deliverect App is an integration with Deliverect platform, which helps receive and manage your orders within Ebriza POS.

Before linking it to Ebriza, you need to already have a Deliverect account, in which at least one active location.
One location in your Deliverect account will be connected with a location in Ebriza.

Connect a Deliverect location to a location in Ebriza

  • download Deliverect from Ebriza marketplace

  • open the app from and select ''service integration''

Copy your Client ID and send it to our customer support team (, together with the name of your location in Deliverect.

Our team will contact Deliverect in order for the integration to be activated and will let you know when everything is ready and the sync can be done.

Sync of products

Create a new configuration from the product display page in your Ebriza account, containing the product you want to sync with Deliverect.


WARNING! The new configuration has to be named ''Deliverect''

Click here to read more about how to create new product configurations.

After you are done, there are two ways to sync the products:

1. From Deliverect (what we recommend)

  • from the Locations menu, select the location and hit the Sync button.

    WARNING! Products that will sync with Deliverect are the ones you added to ''Deliverect'' configuration in Ebriza.

2. From Deliverect App in Ebriza

  • Open Deliverect App from Ebriza admin page and press the ''Sync products'' button.

  • Select ''Deliverect'' product configuration

  • Press the sync button

Once this is done, you will be able to see these products imported in the Products page from your Deliverect account, and start creating your menu.

Tags: [deliverect, deliverect integration, How can I integrate online orders from my Deliverect account with Ebriza]

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