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Sales reports
Ionut avatar
Written by Ionut
Updated over 7 months ago

In your admin account on, you have access to a series of reports, regardless of your Ebriza subscription - the Global Reports.

We provide 12 sales reports.

Attention! The reports are always run only for the location you are logged into!

  1. Customers: Track the products sold on receipts to which you have added a customer; you can filter by product or customer.

  2. Discounts: Track all discounts offered at the location, with and without VAT.

  3. Deliveries: Track totals by delivery platform and payment method - only for users of delivery integrations - see here how to integrate all orders into the Ebriza tablet.

  4. Payment Methods: Track the total collected by payment methods.

  5. Payment Methods and Users: Track the total collected by users and payment methods.

  6. Profit: Track sales for each product, alongside the purchase cost and gross profit - available only for users of the Management or Management Premium application.

  7. Protocol: Track the products marked on protocol - see here how to set the protocol amount for employees.

  8. Returns: Track returned products and those from canceled receipts - see here how to limit the possibility of returns.

  9. Top Categories: Track the best-selling categories, select to see the top 5, 10, or 15.

  10. Top Products: Track the best-selling products, select to see the top 5, 10, or 15.

  11. Top Tags: Track the best-selling tags, select to see the top 5, 10, or 15 - see here how to set tags for products.

  12. Total Sales: Track overall totals, broken down by VAT rates.

How do I set the date? In the "Date" filter, you have several predefined intervals (today, yesterday, this week, this month, the last 30 days, etc.), and under the "Manual" option, you can choose the start date and time, and then the end date and time of the interval for which you want to run the report.

What does the 5, 10, 15, 500# filter mean? This filter indicates how many results the report will return - click on the filter to change the number or choose "all".

What does the "Grouping" filter mean? From this filter, you choose how the data in the report should be grouped: by hour, day, week, month, or year. Example: I run a report for "this month".

  • Choose grouping "day": I will have one line for each day of the month for each result in the report.

  • Choose grouping "month": I will have a single line with cumulative data for the entire month for each result in the report.

What do Total Gross Sales and Total Collected mean?

  • Total Gross Sales: The sum of the prices of sold products, before discount.

  • Total Collected: The total amount collected, after applying discounts.

Contact the Ebriza support team if you need assistance navigating the reports.

[tags: reports, sales reports, payment methods, total, ebriza reports]

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